Help us get new outdoor benches for our school!

Friends of Mt. Washington is pleased to announce that due to our generous sponsorships, the entire operating cost of the 11th Annual Fiesta and Auction is covered. This means that 100% of proceeds from our May 6th event will go to fund things that our children need.   100%!  Buy your tickets today!

Last year you helped fund an upgraded computer lab with new Mac Computers, put printers in every classroom, and shared the costs of several beloved school programs with PTA.

  • This year come to the auction and fund NEW School Playground BENCHES. The kids are already excited at this notion.  “You mean I’ll be able to sit down whenever I want even if I’m wearing shorts?”  Yup. BUY TICKETS HERE OR DONATE A BENCH!
  • An outdoor Classroom including 3 tables with umbrellas.
  • We are also working on bringing after school robotics classes.

Take home something awesome, like a week summer vacation home in Hawaii or Tahoe, a classroom art project put together by your child and their classmates, or a gift certificate for your next date night in our neighborhood.  Buy an amazing experience to impress your friends: dinner for 8 prepared by our local firefighters at Firehouse # 44, a swim party at a beautiful home in Mount Washington, or have a chef come to your home to prepare a 6 course meal for you and 8 guests.  You will buy auction items you want and need knowing that the money you pay will benefit our children. 

Remember the more we raise, the more our children & community benefits!

Buy your tickets today!